Crow has launched our new life skill for this term. The topic is anti bullying.
Bullying is still a big issue in schools and many other environments. The damage from bullying can effect a child for years later and often carry into their adult life. Bully side effects can include depression, decreased self esteem, anxiety disorders, learning disorders and in extreme cases suicide.
Over the next few weeks we will be conducting mat chats with our students about bullying. Children will learn about the different forms of bullying, the reasons why people bully others and different strategies to use when being bullied. Our key focus will be through different communication strategies instead of a physical solution.
We encourage all parents to talk to your child and help them understand why bullying is never an acceptable behaviour and how you can help them when they become a target.
Please feel free to chat with us if you have any questions or need assisstance when your child is being bullied by others.
Anti bully program at Crow Martial Arts